The Will of Robert Currier of Charlton Kings (see 1G1)

made on 5th March 1606

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In the name of God Amen the fifth day of March in the year of our Lord God 1606 I Robert Currier of Charlton Kings within the County of Gloucester husbandman being sick in body but God be thanked of good and perfect memory do ordain and make my last Will and Testament in manner and form following


First and principally I bequeath my soul unto Almighty God my maker and redeemer everlasting by the glory of his death and passion to be persued by his glorious resurrection and my body I commit and bequeath unto the earth from whence it came and as for my worldly goods which God hath lent me I give and dispose them in the manner following


I give and bequeath unto the poor people of this parish ps


I give and bequeath unto Isabel Gosling my wife daughter forty pounds of good and lawful money of England to be paid unto to her out of my land by my joint executors after six years be expired the sum of ten pounds a year until the whole sum of forty pounds be paid


I give and bequeath unto the same Isabel one fallow heffer and two sheep


I give and bequeath unto Joan my daughter four sheep one cow.  I give unto the said Joan one corn wain with iron band wheels one dung wain with iron band wheels one plough one pair of harrows with other small implements of husbandry but given them to have the use of during her life leaving it as sufficient in the end as now it is


I give and bequeath unto the said Joan my daughter one press cupboard one table board in the haule (hall) one malt mill one joined chair one cushion one salting stone but my wife to have the use of those things also during her life


I give unto William Currier my brother’s son free land lands which I have off Mister Harris during the leases


I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Churches one pound.  I give and bequeath unto Francis Mason and to Bridget Mason unto every of them three shillings and four pence a piece


I give and bequeath unto Samuel Wager unto Edward Wager unto John Wager unto Richard Wager and also unto Catherine Wager Susanna Child Joan Wager Ann Wager and Margaret Wager three shillings and 4 pence a piece




The Will of Robert Currier of Charlton Kings (see 1G1)

made on 5th March 1606

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I give and bequeath unto John Currier William Currier and Walter Currier and unto every of them three shillings and four pence


I give unto Elizabeth Churches and Judith the daughters of Edward Churches three shillings and four pence


I give unto Francis the daughter of Francis Mason


I give unto Margaret Diggason and unto Judith Diggason unto every of them


I give unto Joan and Jane the daughters of Thomas Diggason


I give unto John Currier my brother’s son one bushel of barley


All the rest of my goods menable and unmenable I give and bequeath unto Margaret my wife whom I do make my sole executor of this my last Will and Testament


I do appoint to be my overseers by brother John Currier and Thomas Wager to see my legacies paid and my funeral discharged and I give unto every of them


I give unto William Danford


I give unto Margaret Becket





The Will was witnessed by Richard Whithorne, John Martin

and William Danford




William Currier, John Currier and Thomas Wager (all Ref. 1G1)

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